Two Nebula Larges (6’9” x 2’2”) in copper at a home in Modesto. Lyman’s sculptures really bring yards and outdoor living spaces to life, don’t they? Even in a home as cool as this one! Thanks so much for the photos, Linda.
We’ve been working with clients in California since our gallery opened in 1991, and we sure do enjoy it. Part of the reason why is it gives Paul an excuse to go surfing every now and then. Of course, he doesn’t actually surf, he just claims he does. The truth is he spends all his beach time in the tiki bars talking about surfing.
The sculptures come in either copper or stainless steel. Typically, the copper option works well in a natural setting, whereas the stainless lends itself well to contemporary locations. But hey, this is art we’re talking about, so that opinion is entirely subjective. Take these photos example: a contemporary house paired with copper sculptures made for an absolutely beautiful installation.
Lyman is a master at kinetic art. His inspiration comes largely from the natural world. Plants, in particular. He’s been creating these works since the 1980s and is showing no sings of stopping. He studied under Angelo Caravaglia in the seventies which informed much of what he does today.
Lyman’s sculptures are built to last generations. They withstand all types of weather, including wind speeds up to 90mph. Maintenance is simple, and repairs are infrequent, which means you don’t have to worry about a thing once you’ve acquired your own.
Prices start at 425 with the Element series. Minimal, yet powerful designs that work just as well on their own as they do when grouped together.
Ready to order? just call at 816.333.3111 or email us at
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Learn more about the artist, Lyman Whitaker, HERE.